Road to Madari (Part 3)


Previously, on part 2 of Road to Madari Thythe finally reaches the location where the mission will take place. There she meets a child and a woman that help her. They have been hunted by the hunter for years. The woman and Thythe work together to kill the hunter and no one is badly hurt.

Campaign index: 1, 2

Play report

· HEX O19, Akkar Strand

I’ve realised that I’ve been writting Akkard Strand instead of Akkar Strand, so I’ve fixed all the typos haha

Do they want to join Thythe on her way back to Clear Wood? Almost certain The woman looks at Thythe after they finish distributing the hunter’s old belongings, ‘Now that the danger is over let me introduce ourselves. I’m she-Kunta and this is my little brother he-Raexa. Thythe introduces herself as well.

Kunta tells her that now that they’re free from their persecutor, they would like to live in a more secure location, and that the settlement that she had mentioned before could be a great option. So, they ask Thythe if they could accompany her. Thythe agrees.

They spend the day resting to recover from their wounds. +5HP, -1 ration Twist: 2 -> 2

Kunta and Raexa also consume rations, Kunta has 13 rations at this point (after they both consume one each).

· HEX N20, A.S. Thythe heads south-east, she wants to avoid the ruins that she encounter on her way to the caves. This route is a success and they don’t find any more ruins on their way, they can travel at a good pace.

+2XP hex -1 ration Twist: 2 -> 2

· HEX M19, A.S. The group is now travelling through an area that Thythe knows from before, and they don’t encounter any enemies. -1 ration Twist: 2 -> 2

· HEX L18, A.S. They travel through some bare land with the same huge tree that Thythe discovered before. -1 ration Twist: 2 -> 2

· HEX K19, A.S. More black sand and low hills in another travel day without incidents. -1 ration Twist: 2 -> 2

· HEX J18, A.S. The group passes through the burned remains of a caravan. Thythe tells Kunta about how she found it on her way to the caves and about the spiders that were everywhere. Have they seen anything like this before? Almost certain but, New character, discovery, community

Kunta tells her that she has seen these type of occurrences before, and as she is starting to explain more about it, people covered in ashes come out of the ground. Their lances aggressively point to the group. NPC attitude: neutral, willing to trade items/info

These people do not attack Thythe and the rest of the group, but they remain vigilant. An old farmer, unarmed, comes closer, she makes a gesture to the rest of her people and they lower their lances. ‘I’m looking for information regarding these spiders, and whatever happened here,’ she demands. Thythe walks towards her and tells her about her first time in this area, when she was just passing through to get to another location, and that this is their second time here, they are headed to the Clear Wood settlement in the west. They weren’t here when whatever happened happened. Does she believe her? Yes The farmer nods. ‘Has anything out of the ordinary happen on your travels around these areas?’, she asks Thythe. She tells the farmer about the unusual creature guarding a cave to the west, it was unusual since these type of creatures in her experience do not stay in a single point and guard it, they like to hunt. Is this info interesting? Very unlikely, but.. Something the PCs think to be one way is actually another

I think that we cannot know about what we are wrong about just yet. So I’ll leave it as it is for now.

The farmer seems uninterested about this information. Do they let them go? Likely, and a new character appears Transform, faction The woman nods her head as a farewell, and a young man comes closer to Thythe’s group. ‘I will accompany you to the cave, the elder is not interested in what you have told her, but she isn’t the only one in charge. My name is Ardren, he says, and by the tone of his voice Thythe knows that he won’t take a no for an answer. So Thythe welcomes him to the group, the more they’re the safer they can travel.

Twist: 2->1 -1 ration

· HEX I19, A.S. Thythe remains akert while they travel west headed to the Clear Wood settlement, but no enemies are on sight. Ardren mostly ignores the group. Twist: 1->1 -1 ration

· HEX H20, A.S. Thythe notices a group of enemies in the distance, they are a couple of Sprawlings of the Vhol’est, they are creatures related to the Spawn of Vhol’Est that she fought in the Hidden Cave, but less dangerous. She tells the group that she will handle these alone.

She takes her bow and kill one before the group is able to come closer, but they’re actually more than a couple, three Sprawlings are in melee range. Thythe changes her long bow for a sword and handles the rest of the enemies. She is unable to parry a couple of attacks, but she slays them without much problems. +5XP vermin +2XP hex First aid OK: +3HP Twist 1->2 -1 ration

· HEX G19, A.S. The group continues their journey. Kunta is a but worried since she only has one ration left for her and her brother, but Thythe agrees to share her rations and they will pay her back once they reach the settlement. -2 rations Twist: 2->2

· HEX F18, A.S. Hidden Cave. They arrive at the cave, nothing out of the ordinary stands out. Ardren locates the entrance Does he want help? Very unlikely and heads in straight away without saying anything.

The rest of the group ignores him and rest for the remaining of the day.

-3 rations Twist: 2->2

· HEX E19, A.S. Clear Wood. They finally arrive at the settlement. Raexa goes away to investigate this new place while Kenta accompanies Thythe to find her patrons. They finally find the townspeople that told her about their enemy and Thythe shows the armour of the deceased hunter as proof of death. +150XP, +500 jats

And we level up! I now have 4EP to spend.

Raexa comes with the three rations that they owe Thythe and they decide that they will remain in this settlement for a while, they are looking for people to work and help them rebuild and reconstruct what was destroyed by the flood.

Thythe tries to find an armour-smith that might be able to adapt the Light Armour that she got from the hunter. She finds one and tasks her with adapting the armour to her build. It will be done in a couple of days. -200 jats She also sells the Shalvan Wood Weapon that she got as loot a while back after defeating the Spawn of Vhol’Est in the beginning of her journey. +1500 jats

She rests for the remaining of the day and puts her thoughts in order. She highly doubts that Ardren could be OK on his own after so many creatures of the Vhol’est kind have appeared recently, and she also has her doubts about his motivations and whatever the elder (the farmer) from Ardren’s group didn’t tell her. She decides that she will investigate the Hidden Cave once her armour is done.


tldr: On their journey to Clear Wood they bump into some people that demand info about the spiders and the remains of the caravan, one of these people (Ardren) decides to go to the Hidden Cave with them. Thythe, Kenta and Raexa arrive at the Clear Wood settlement. Thythe levels up after telling her success in the assassination mission to her patrons.

Campaign goal: Get to Madari and live a more comfortable life there.

Current mission: heal and wait until the Light Armour is done.

Side mission tracker:

  1. Investigate the hidden cave where the Spawn of Vhol’Est attacked (Hex F18)
  2. Investigate the remains of the caravan (Hex J18) Updated: Investigate the elder (the farmer) and Ardren’s connection to the spiders found in the remains of the caravan (Hex N18)
  3. Explore the ruins (Hex N18)